Objectives of Asi@Connect Local Launch

The Asi@Connect local launch event is organized to announce to the policy makers and R&E community about the Asi@Connect project, how ThaiREN is involved, as well as to make the ThaiREN member institutions and researchers aware of its benefits.  
The event will also provide an opportunity for all stakeholders which are officials of Thailand Government, ThaiREN community (universities and research institutes), delegates from the European Union, and international representatives of Asi@Connect project members to meet, learn and discuss on

  • Experiences and learned lessons in research and education networks
  • Recent research, development, and applications on RENs
  • New ideas of applications on research and education networks
  • Future development of advanced research and education networks
Collaborations with international initiatives among the Asi@Connect participating institutes


Asi@Connect National Launch Event in Thailand

Co-funded by :
the European Union

Hosy by:

This event has received funding from Asi@Connect project which is the European Union co-funding project under Grant contract ACA 2016-376-562.